Voltronix switchgear is delighted to be acknowledged as one of the best manufacturer of electrical switchgear of low-voltage panels in the U.A.E., with highly skilled, knowledgeable, and trained personnel, modern equipment, and state-of-the-art production facilities in Dubai. Switchgear manufacturers dubai commits to offering its clients the best goods and services and will accept only outcomes that meet high criteria for quality. We take pleasure in being customer-focused. Within the parameters of the standards, we make an effort to complete every customer request to the greatest extent possible. Our team has developed specialized abilities for this kind of equipment, which significantly adds to the final product’s performance, reliability, and adaptability.
How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamis change? Find out from those leading the charge.
Unleashing Innovation and Reliability: Advanced Electronic Switchgear Solutions for Modern Power Systems.
We are committed to consistently enhancing the product and the quality management system by designing, Manufacturer of electrical switchgear, and supplying electrical Switchgear that meets customer needs. By offering dependable goods and services, we will ensure that customers are happy.
NSTS Switchgear’s mission is to provide products and solutions in electrical power distribution, enclosures, busway systems, cable support systems, and precision sheet metal technology through well-coordinated and modern distribution and manufacturing techniques. The Company will significantly alter “Quality” and the dynamic between the principals and their clients.
Exceeds client expectations regarding value, cost, timeliness, and support. Always uphold proper and high standards of corporate ethics. Give our staff space and a supportive environment so they may develop and prosper.
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Our team of specialists from varying disciplines will guarantee the provision of integrated solutions to finish your task by drawing on their experience from the collection of our completed projects.
Shed 06, Aber Warehouse
Dubai Investment Park 02,
PO Box: 414345 , Dubai.
United Arab Emirates.
Landline: +971 4 8240002
Mobile: +971 50 2420957
Email: [email protected]